Dr. Robert W. Jones.
A historian specialising in the socio-cultural history of medieval warfare and warriors.
I publish books and articles on the subject of medieval military culture, and regularly present my research at major international conferences.
I teach medieval and military history to British and American undergraduate and postgraduate students.
I am a costumed interpreter, giving talks and demonstrations to the general public.
I am a practitioner and instructor of HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), recreating medieval swordplay for research, sport, and fun.
I am a wargamer, developing my own rules for wargaming the Hundred Years War and Wars of the Roses.
The use of experimental archaeology and experiential learning is an important aspect of my academic work. Here I give a public presentation on arming the knight at the Chiltern Open Air Museum.
I came to military history from a background in reenactment and costumed interpretation, and so experiential learning is a large part of my research.
I have my own fourteenth-century harness, and am a practitioner and instructor of Historical European Martial Arts, focusing on medieval longsword combat.